
…is to be cultivated. Its work. It grows gradually. Its a process. It bears fruits with time.  To expect immediate results is unrealistic.

The degree of our awareness sits on a spectrum. Its scope and acuteness can be increased or decrease. Plus, it can happen in a flash, that you become awareness about a thing…an it can, in next moment, disperse into nothingness. How do you increase it? Well, it is foremost and always a personal undertaking. Souler system, and all the other sources out there, are merely tools for you along your way to awakening. Which is, to put it simply, going beyond the existing boundary of our awareness.

I’ll hand you an idea to chew on. ‘Reality’ is one way. What we hear about it all the times are actually different cuts of interpretations of it. Not just philosphers’, politicians’ and poets’ cut, but also religious and scientific cuts. Yes, all views are cuts on the same thing. And whatever that ‘same thing’ is…you and I need to formulate our own cut on it. The more mindful we are of our work, the more aware we will be of it.

We must see what we are becoming aware of. What’s its place in ‘Totality’. What’s its scope…before we invest our efforts to achieve it.