In today’s world, everything is debatable. Amongst the few popular issues is the issue of globalism…or globalization…or whatever you want to call this trigger. for many. What can’t be debated is that the whole world has come together in a digital bond. A donkey sneezing in Africa can crack up dutch teens sipping Turkish coffee at Hongkong Airport while heading to Indonesia for vacation.
Point is that the reality of humanity arriving as one unified whole is now an inescapeable reality, no matter how you react to it. We have arrived here and now we are locked in this mutual frenzied dance of socio-political-economics. To embrace it in a win-win-for-all spirit is not only the obvious challenge but also essential for our well being as species.
So how do we do it? It starts and ends with me…and you (in your case). Nothing is more important and nothing is more effective, than a person who has constructed a context for self that excludes none. “All Inclusiveness” is where the best chance of my survival is. Else we all will cannabalize each other in fear and anger in time…and to be honest, it seems we have already started. If we don’t act fast, none of us will go unscathed. We need to formulate an all-inclusive context for our own self.
So where is that context? Its in our faces. Staring directly at us. All I have to do is to remember that others are exactly same as me as far as their fundamental nature, needs and inspirations are concerned…at the least, they are in the same ball park. There are outliars, but none of us have time or energy to waste on them. Let’s stay focused on basics. Whatever you feel…is pretty much what everyone else feels. To put it in clich’ed form…its the good old ‘Golden Rule’…do onto others what you want to be done unto thee…no matter which continent they (or you) belong to.
You want to be nationalistic in a win-win game, be my guest. But if you are playing win-lose game…you are the problem. Nations, tribes and races are only for identification purposes. That info belongs on our passports or visa applications. The best amongst us is the one who is best in behavior….and those who are truly God-Conscious are best amongst the best. Do I see some brows curl at the reference of God…well, to you, your way and to me, mine…and that’s most fair. way to part our ways on subject of God. Anyways, if you see nations and tribes and races as anything more than identities, you are unfit for where humanity has already arrived…and, honey…survival of the fittest has never been this conseuential. This time, if you don’t adjust well, you’ll take down many along with you.
So initial lessons to learn is to expand our context…All races, nationalities are equal…and no…no nation is more equal than any other. All are exactly equal in their share of idiots and geniuses.
In closing of this first step, me and you need to adjust to new reality by seeing every single one as…as valuable as ourselves…our equals. Get thid context…this world view…and join the win-win dance. If you still getting triggered on the subject…keep at it….its a shortfall. worth overcoming. Remember, its not the fault of globalization.